PCG – Presenting at both the Midwest Convention
Ladies and Gentlemen in Pawnland!
I am happy to report that we just recently completed the 3rd part of our 7 part Executive Leadership Series that we are putting on this year. This event was just hosted at the Hyatt Regency in Orlando Florida and was attended by a number of industry notables.
The Leadership Camp Series are exclusive PCG events hosted in conjunction with John Thedford and David Johns who were the two founders of the highly successful multi-unit Pawn chains that were based out of Florida (Value Pawn & LaFamilia). Together with their award winning techniques and the willingness to constantly strive to be better, they built one of the most highly successful Pawn chains in recent American history.
PCG and this team have joined forces to create some of the most informational and inter-active educational seminars the Industry has ever witnessed.
Each camp focuses on different operational issues along with a different book selected for the “Book Camp” portion of these two day highly interactive sessions.
The camp we just completed featured Mr. Thedfords book, entitled “Smart Moves” which fully illustrates the many award winning techniques they utilized to build a highly successful operation. These camps are geared to spur total creativity and a desire amongst the attendees to seek the best advise and input possible to continuously improve upon their core business models.
All of our sessions are inter-active and cover a wide range of operational necessities and issues facing our industry today. Open formats that allow for the complete freedom of expression and ideas.
Industry incubators that will continue to raise the tide for all the ships in the water today.
We are posting the rest of our dates for this highly acclaimed series piece, the dates and book topics for the next camps are as follows:
Here are the remaining dates for the next 4 camps we have scheduled this year:
◦July 8 – 10 – Camp IV – Location Orlando Hyatt Regency Airport – Book portion “Winning” by Jack Welch – more applications of strategy & management
◦August 8 – 10 Camp V – Location TBD – Book portion “Effective Executive” by Peter Drucker
◦October 11 – 13 Camp VI – Location TBD – Book portion – “6 Habits of Effective People” – self development program
◦November 8th – 10th Camp VII – Location TBD – Book portion – TBD
Our format for these programs are as follows:
Each camp has a series of different topics to present per requests from each of the camps themselves along with topics that we feel are important in the operational worlds of our businesses.
There are vital performance and career lessons for managers at every level and best of all the book camp portion of these programs through attendee chapter assignments and participation illustrates how to apply these award winning techniques in your own operational environments. Actual workshops that engage ALL of our participants in active feedback sessions to witness the diverse views of our attendees from around the country and the world today!
The event pricing includes 3 nights at the target property, two full days of workshops with the masters and other invited guests, breakfast and lunch for two of the days and participation in all of the functions themselves.
Package price for these events are running at $2450 per attendee per room, additional attendees sharing initial room or staying off property are billed at $2250 per attendee.
We are recommending that you RSVP as soon as possible – ALL PCG events SELL OUT
We are taking reservations for our upcoming camps, please contact us directly to get on the lists.
We still have some space available for our upcoming July camp and the rest of the series.
You may send your requests directly to:
Jerry Whitehead
Pawn Shop Consulting Group, Inc.
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ButterMilk Media
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