• 900 Egan Way CT., Burleson Texas 76028

  • Archives for March 2011

    Website Analysis Services!

    Do you currently have a website? If so, then: Are you sure you’re getting the MOST out of it that you can? Are you able to TRACK everything that happens with your site? Have you tied in your social networks so that people can find them? Are you using a “newsletter” and would you like it to post automatically…

    Midwest Pawnbrokers Convention

    2011 Midwest Pawnbrokers Convention FRIDAY, MAY 13, 2011 8:00 a.m. Depart for Golf Outing 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. On your Own to Enjoy Chicagoland’s Many Points of Interest 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Welcome Cocktail Reception SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Exhibitor Set Up 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. COMPETING…

    Parlour Pawn Testimonial II

    Here’s the Team of Parlour Pawn having a GREAT TIME after a week with Jerry – they were SO IMPRESSED with Jerry on his first visit that they had him back the next year!  They increased their loan balance by 70% in the first year and project profit increases up to 30% in 2011 – In…

    Buy Sell Loan, Inc Bay Area

    Here’s a photo of Jerry Whitehead with the nice gentleman from Buy Sell Loan Inc.  A four store operations in the Bay Area with shops in Redwood City, San Francisco, Santa Clara, and Sacramento. Michael, Oleg, Jerry, and DimitryWe really enjoyed working with as well as spending time with these nice gentleman! Sincerely, Jerry Whitehead…

    Parlour Pawn Testimonial Video

    Here’s Ron Whitakker from Parlour Pawn in Moncton Canada talking about the benefits of using Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc.  Parlour Pawn Increased their loan balance by 70% in the First Year!  So that had Jerry Whitehead back again and predict 20-30 Profit increases for their store for 2011. You should Call Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc…