PCG – Presenting at both the Midwest Convention
Ladies and Gentleman in PawnLand,
Pawn Shop Consulting Group is proud to announce the launch of our first eBook which is part of a continued series PCG will be offering up FREE to our beloved Pawn Community and Family.
As many in our global family do know, as the founder of PCG, I am a second generation pawnbroker with more than 45 years in the industry.
On a personal level, there are hundreds of millions in revenues in my rear view mirror as an owner, operator, and executive officer of several large groups of stores and the various projects I have been involved within the past 45+ years, prior to creating PCG close to 20 years ago.
Today PCG has serviced close to 600 clients in 46 countries world-wide, and remains the Industry Leader in Global Pawn Consulting.
Make NO mistake about it, PCG is HERE to SERVE YOU!
Take a peek at our newest eBook as part of a series, it provides a sneak-peak into the brevity of what it takes to be the best of the best in today’s highly competitive world!
Stay Tuned for much more, happy reading !