• 900 Egan Way CT., Burleson Texas 76028

  • focus groups

    Pawn Shop Conference

    From the desk of Jerry Whitehead Thursday, April 07, 2011 Preliminary Schedule for the Pawn Symposium You may also visit our WEBSITE FOR THE PAWN SYMPOSIUM Click Here:  Pawn Symposium and Conference September 12th – 15th 2011 Ritz Carlton – Naples Florida Ladies and Gentlemen, we have developed our initial schedule of speakers and events…

    Pawn Shop Thriving in China

    Folks, here is an interesting piece we pulled off the glorious world wide web this morning. I find it interesting to denote that many of our discussions in times of recent and at many of the public functions I have had the opportunity to speak at address this very subject matter on a global basis.…

    Pawn Shop Consulting Group Updates

    Pawn Shop Consulting Group Inc 7920 NW 85th Avenue – Tamarac, Florida 33321 www.pawnshopconsultinggroup.com jerry@aea.238.myftpupload.com From the desk of Jerry Whitehead   Sunday, February 27, 2011   Ladies and gentleman .. It has been a wonderful road and life that I have been blessed with. I have been blessed with the privilege to serve in an industry most all of my life that has…