• 900 Egan Way CT., Burleson Texas 76028

  • Pawnshop Consulting Group


    PAWN SHOP CONSULTING GROUP™ – JERRY WHITEHEAD CROSSOVER EXPO 2018 PRESENTATION – NEXT LEVEL OF CONCIERGE LEVEL SERVICE© CROSSOVER EXPO™ 2018, PCG™, and the Florida Pawnbrokers Association WILL be delivering up a very high-level customer service segment centered around “Concierge Level Service©” at this year’s EXPO in Orlando. This year’s piece will be an advanced…


    WHY SHOULD I HAVE A CONSULTANT? As some of you may have recently heard when we did our “Concierge Level Presentation” up at the Midwest show, pawn shops are closing at an alarming rate, (more than 5000 have closed in the Philippines alone), retail revenues are in decline, pawn loan balances have been contracting, inventories…

    Pawn Shop Crossover EXPO 2018

    2018 Crossover EXPO INFO The Crossover EXPO is being produced again this year with the Florida Pawnbroker Association to assist the association and the industry by providing more educational trade show options for our folks. PCG specializes in producing high-level events from our famed “Pawn Symposiums” hosted at the Ritz  Carlton’s in the Cayman Islands,…

    Pawn Shop Cash Discount Program

    PCG is expanding on a program we introduced last year at our Crossover EXPO !! PCG has several solutions we are offering in the Industry and yes, our programs are pawn and gun friendly! First of all, it’s a CASH DISCOUNT PROGRAM, NOT a surcharge or convenience fee program Very simple, small customer fee is…

    Pawn Shop Consulting Business Model

    Hello Pawn Fans around the world !! Updates from the Pawn Shop Consulting Group are as follows:We have successfully relocated our offices to Burleson TexasWe are moving forward with our Crossover EXPO scheduled for September 28th – October 1st at the Gaylord Resort in Orlando FloridaPCG will be speaking this year at the Midwest Pawnbrokers Convention,…

    Pawn Shop Cyber Security

    The most vulnerable area for the Industry today far exceed just the Physical Assets of the Operations!! The Number ONE Threat Today to your business IS: Cyber Security Today, it is NO longer a question of IF we will be attacked, it’s when, also it is not a question of are we safe, because we…

    Pawn Shop Consultation

    Pawn Shop Consulting Hello Folks, As many of our followers have heard through our public speaking opportunities and more, the Industry has changed more in the last 30 years than in the previous 3000 years of its existence. Today, change is happening at light speed and the industry is witnessing more store closures than at…